Sunday, February 27, 2011

a very short wort (simple, but very important)

After the shacharis (morning prayer) we recite the quote from the Talmud: "Talmidei chachomim marbim sholaym boaylom", which means: "Knowers of the Talmud increase peace in the World.
How do they increase peace? My favorite interpretation is: One, who knows only a little, and sees someone doing something differently, than how he learned, starts arguing, and tells him, that he is doing wrong. If a person who knows a lot sees someone doing it differently, he doesn't argue, because he knows that what he knows is not the only possible way, the other one can be right too...

1 comment:

  1. very great.....higher knowledge leads to wisdom (and therefore, peace...) and wisdom is the one driving force working above all appearances and logics....*If a person who knows a lot sees someone doing it differently, he doesn't argue, because he knows that what he knows is not the only possible way, the other one can be right too...* this person is exactly proving his wisdom, he didn't stop at appearances but he went behind it, due to his high knowledge....* In fact, knowledge is the foundation of wisdom
    Proverbs 10:13 Wisdom is found in the words of the discerning person
    Knowledge is the key of Wisdom, and Wisdom is the key of peace...
    God bless you
